إصدارات محدودة من أدوات التعدين الرقمية تتميز بمعايير مميزة. هذه الأدوات نادرة وتمتلك قيمة سوقية معززة.
على عكس أدوات التعدين المُولّدة، تعتبر أدواتنا من المجموعات نادرة أكثر بكثير وتتمتع بطلب أعلى في السوق. كل مجموعة مخصصة لموضوعات محددة، تعرض قوة فريدة ومعايير كفاءة طاقة، بالإضافة إلى ميزات بصرية. لقد أصدرنا مجموعات تحتفل بمناطق عالمية مختلفة، وعطلات، ومعالم هامة للمشاريع، وشراكات مع مشاريع العملات المشفرة الكبرى.
أول مجموعة من أدوات التعدين الرقمية بواسطة GoMining وTrust Wallet، تمثل الحصرية، والقوة، والتكنولوجيا المتطورة.
مجموعة حصرية، محدودة الإصدار على TON، تمثل ظهور أدوات التعدين الرقمية على هذه الشبكة. يجب اقتناؤها للمبادرين الأوائل.
استغل قوة البرودة. تزدهر هذه الأدوات في درجات الحرارة المنخفضة، تجسد القوة والمقاومة الشمالية لأفضل أداء في التعدين.
مجموعة حصرية، محدودة الإصدار على TON، تمثل ظهور أدوات التعدين الرقمية على هذه الشبكة. يجب اقتناؤها للمبادرين الأوائل.
تحقق في السوقThe crypto industry today is an ultradynamic market that has gathered millions of enthusiasts from all over the world under its umbrella. Huge companies have grown on the basis of blockchain technologies that come up with new, previously non-existent products, test technological, business and marketing innovations.
Non-fungible tokens have become, perhaps, one of the most striking and frequently discussed crypto products. And the GoMining ecosystem was able not only to release its unique collections of crypto art, but also to endow them with unique functions, launching the rebirth and rethinking of the crypto art market.
It was in the third quarter of 2022 that a fundamentally new format of digital art and digital mining appeared.
If previously non-fungible tokens were only objects of art, with the GoMining ecosystem they have acquired a unique function: being configured with computing power for BTC mining. The digital miners depicted on these works of art vary not only in terms of computing power, but also in their energy efficiency. That’s why they can mine bitcoins every day. Partnerships with global mining equipment companies like BITMAIN allow our ecosystem to provide users with the opportunity to buy the most efficient bitcoin miner, to possess the most modern equipment in the world.
Miner Wars, a special game implemented in the GoMining ecosystem, also allows holders to earn GOMINING tokens along with BTC rewards.
Each digital miner is assigned a unique identification number (hash), which, upon purchase, will be recorded on the user's wallet, thereby proving ownership.
The digital miner sold will either already be minted on one of the networks, or the user will be able to do it themselves after the purchase is made. The mint of this crypto art can be produced at any time, and is necessary only if the user decides to sell it. In other cases, both minted and unminted miners can bring BTC and GOMINING tokens to their owner.
The number of digital miner collections released by service providers on the GOMINING protocol is constantly growing. Each of them is unique and interesting for both collectors of non-fungible tokens and users who choose digital mining as a bitcoin extracting tool. However, two existing collections are worth highlighting.
This is the very first digital miner collection, divided into 2 parts: Vol_1 and Vol_2.
The weekly power increase in TH/s for all miners purchased from The Greedy Machines is calculated according to this logic:
Number of GOMINING tokens distributed by power increase category x GOMINING token price / Mean price of 1 TH/s in $ for The Greedy Machines collection
To find out the percentage added to the power of each digital miner, you need to apply the following formula:
Added percentage = Weekly power increase / Power of The Greedy Machines collection x 100%
These additional terahashes remain with the digital miner forever.
The most unpredictable digital miner series released on the GoMining ecosystem.
The Mine Box is the only digital miner collection whose external components cannot be seen before being purchased, thereby creating a bit of mystery and suspense. Making such digital miners isn't only rewarding, but interesting because users never know which one will occur.
These are not only BTC-mining miners, but also so-called "secret boxes." They are the perfect digital mining solution for those who want to try their luck. A rare trait will not affect the number of BTC or GOMINING rewards, but it can significantly increase the value of a miner when resold due to the collectible component.
Updated information about other equally interesting series of digital miners can always be found in the GoMining app, as well as on this site.
Millions have already learned about GoMining and its unique method of digital mining. The ecosystem is growing, expanding, and connecting more and more large service providers from around the world to its protocol. This means that the list that exists today will be constantly updated with new significant collections.