GoMining's 55th Burn and Mint Cycle is Complete

GoMining's 55th Burn and Mint Cycle is Complete

🔥 Burned: 1,152,373 $GOMINING tokens

🔨 Minted: 967,993 $GOMINING tokens

Minted tokens were distributed as:

⚡️ 629,195 to Service Provider

🔒 193,599 to veGOMINING voters

🪙 96,799 to GoMining Rewards

👥 48,400 to the GoMining team

Voting results for Cycle 56:

📌 Extra Solo mining discount: 1.02%;

📌 Pool mining multiplier: 1.01x;

📌 Greedy Machines power boost: 0.35% per digital miner sold

🎉 Secure Your Weekly Rewards!

Lock your $GOMINING tokens in veGOMINING to earn rewards: https://app.gmt.io/ve-my-lock.

💡 Maximize Your Savings:

Use $GOMINING tokens for miner upkeep to lower electricity costs and boost rewards.

September 12, 2024