
Digital miner collections

Limited editions of digital miners featuring distinct parameters. These miners are rare and possess an enhanced market value

Why each collection is unique

Unlike generated miners, our miners from collections are much rarer and have higher demand on the market. Each collection is dedicated to specific themes, showcasing unique power and energy efficiency parameters, as well as visual attributes. We've released collections celebrating different global regions, holidays, significant project milestones, and partnerships with major crypto projects

Collections released
238 341
Digital miners purchased
7 185 263
Power of purchased miners
Limited-edition collection
Sold out

Solana Collection

A groundbreaking collaboration combining Solana’s blockchain innovation with our mining expertise. This exclusive collection unlocks new opportunities, blending technology and rewards

Solana minerSolana miner
Limited-edition collection

CT Edition Collection

Designed exclusively for top Crypto Twitter influencers and special collaborations, these miners stand as a true mark of prestige and recognition

CT edition background
CT edition miner

Strategic supporters

  • Binance Pool
  • Bitmain
  • bitscale capital
  • Bitcoin Mining Council

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Digital mining that changed the concept of crypto art